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How and Why?

Support That Makes a Difference

1 to 1 Session

This is your time. You set the agenda. If you want to discuss your deepest thoughts, that is fine. If you want to rant about your parents or a particularly unpleasant teacher or social worker, that is fine. If you just want to talk about what you watched on TV last night, that is also fine. Often just having half an hour a week where someone is totally focused on Just you, can make all the difference

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Groupwork Sessions

These can be focused around specific issues such as leaving care, independent living, bullying, drugs and alcohol, relationships, emotional resilience, peer support. Depending on the requirements, they may use a combination of existing and brand new resource material. In every case they are designed and delivered to meet the specific needs of the individual group.

Teen Students

Overall ethos

At the end of every session with Concentric Support, the client should leave feeling more positive about their life than when they arrived.

Happy Hiking
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